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The American Microscopical Society (AMS) holds its annual meetings jointly with meetings of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB, formerly American Society of Zoologists) and The Crustacean Society. This year AMS is sponsoring a joint social in conjunction with a number of divisions of SICB and is co-sponsoring symposia.  AMS members present contributed-papers and posters.  The Society’s annual luncheon, Business meeting and Invertebrate Biology Editors meeting are regularly scheduled at the annual meetings.


Student Best Contributed Paper Award: A certificate and monetary prize ($150) will be awarded for the best-contributed paper presented orally and best-contributed poster presented by a student at the annual meeting (held in conjunction with SICB). Current students or graduates who have received a degree not more than 12 months prior to the meeting are eligible to compete for the awards. The work presented must be original and must be carried out principally by the student presenting the paper. Membership in AMS is now a requirement.  Follow link to application instructions. To enter the competition, check the appropriate box on the SICB abstract submittal form





Co-Sponsored Symposia at the January, 2019 Meeting

Co-Sponsored Symposia at the January, 2018 Meeting

From Small and Squishy to Big and Armored: Genomic, Ecological and Paleontological Insights into the Early Evolution of Animals (SICB wide)
Organizers: Erik Sperling & Kevin Kocot; Sponsors: DEDB, DEE, DIZ, DPCB, & AMS

Evolution in the Dark: Unifying Understanding of Eye Loss
Organizers: Megan Porter & Lauren Sumner-Rooney; Sponsors: DEDB, DEE, DIZ, DNNSB, DPCB, AMS, & TCS

Science Through Narrative: Engaging Broad Audiences (SICB wide)
Organizers: Sara Elshafie, Stuart Sumida, & Bram Lutton; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, DCE, DEDB, DEDE, DEE, DIZ, DNNSB, DVM & AMS

Integrative Biology of Sensory Hair Cells
Organizers: Duane McPherson & Billie Swalla; Sponsors: DEDB, DNNSB & AMS


Co-Sponsored Symposia at the January, 2017 Meeting

With a Little Help from My Friends: Microbial Partners in Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB wide) Organizers: Kevin Kohl & Denise Dearing; Sponsors: DCE, DCPB, DEDE, DEE, DIZ, DNB, & AMS

The Evolution of Arthropod Body Plans – Integrating Phylogeny, Fossils and Development
Organizers: Ariel Chipman & Doug Erwin; Sponsors: DEDB, DIZ, DPCB, AMS & TCS

Low Spatial Resolution Vision - Function and Evolution
Organizer: Anders Garm: DIZ, DNB, AMS & TCS


Co-Sponsored Symposia at the January, 2016 Meeting

Neuroecology: Neural Mechanisms of Sensory and Motor Processes that Mediate Ecologically Relevant Behaviors Organizers: Jeff Riffell & Ashlee Rowe ; Sponsors: DAB, DCB, DCE, DEE, DNB, AMS

Extraocular, Nonvisual, and Simple Photoreceptors Organizers: Thomas Cronin & Sonke Johnsen; Sponsors: DCPB, DIZ, DNB, AMS

The Morphological Diversity of Intromittent Organs Organizers: Brandon Moore & Diane Kelly; Sponsors: DCB, DCE, DIZ, AMS


Special Session: Annelids: In Memory of Kristian Fauchald

Dr. Kristian Fauchald, Research Zoologist (Emeritus) in the Department of Invertebrate Zoology in the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), died suddenly in April 2015. A loyal and active member of the Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) for several decades, Kristian will be remembered for his passion for science, his diverse and prolific research on polychaete annelids, and his mentorship of numerous biologists from across the globe. Over the course of his career, he contributed immensely to our understanding of an ancient, diverse and ecologically important group of invertebrates, and he had an enormous impact on the intellectual and professional development of others. To celebrate Kristian’s legacy as a systematist, taxonomist, teacher, and mentor, we are hosting a special session of contributed papers and posters in his memory at the 2016 SICB meeting. We expect a varied program, with annelids as the unifying theme. Time for discussion and reflection will be built into the schedule. Proceedings from this session will be published in the quarterly journal Invertebrate Biology; any manuscripts submitted for review by February 15, 2016 and accepted within six months will appear in the same issue of the journal. Details regarding manuscript submission will be distributed to authors of abstracts submitted for the session.

Sponsors: DIZ, DPCB, AMS


Co-Sponsored Symposia at the January, 2015 Meeting

  1. Soft Bodies, Hard Jaws: Phylogenetic Diversity of Prey Capture and Processing in Jawed, Soft-bodied Invertebrates Organizers: Rick Hochberg & Elizabeth Walsh; Sponsors: DIZ, DPCB & AMS

  2. Origins of Neurons and Parallel Evolution of Nervous Systems: The Dawn of Neuronal Organization Organizer: Leonid Moroz; Sponsors: DEDB, DIZ, DNB and DPCB, & AMS

  3. Breaking Boundaries for Evolutionary Synthesis: An Interactive, and Integrative Symposium Linking Crustacean and Insect Physiology Organizers: Jon Harrison & Sherry Tamone; Sponsors: TCS, AMS, DIZ, DEDB, DPCB, & DCE


Co-Sponsored Symposia at the January, 2014 Meeting

(1) The cell’s view of animal body plan evolution Organizers: Deirdre Lyons, Mansi Srivastava and Mark Martindale Sponsors: Society-wide

(2) Shaking, dripping and drinking: surface-tension phenomena in organismal biology Organizers: David Hu, Rachel Levy, Lydia Bourouiba Sponsors: AMS, DCB, DIZ, DVM

(3) Parasitic manipulation of host phenotype, or how to make a zombie Organizers: Kelly Weinersmith, Zen Faulkes Sponsors: AMS, DAB, DIZ, DNB



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