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AMS Microscopy Training Fellowship and AMS Student Research Fellowship

The AMS Microscopy Training Fellowship funds are designated for support of graduate students, postdocs and faculty members for training in new microscopical techniques. Two fellowships of $1000 each are available annually. The funds may be used for support of training in any microscopical technique, either through public courses / workshops or through private visits to other institutions. Any graduate student, postdoc or faculty full member of AMS* is eligible to apply, with the exception of past fellowship recipients. Applications from graduates students, postdocs and faculty members are assessed independently. Awards are made up to a maximum of $1000.


The AMS Student Research Fellowship funds are designated for summer support of research projects involving microscopy. Two fellowships of $1000 each are available. The funds may be used for summer support of any research project involving microscopy. Any undergraduate or graduate student member of AMS* is eligible to apply, with the exception of past fellowship recipients. Applications from undergraduates and those from graduates are assessed independently.


*For 2024, Student AMS memberships are $22 per year, and full memberships are $44 per year, reflecting online subscription to Invertebrate Biology


AMS Travel Awards to annual American Microscopical Society meetings (joint with Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology).  These grants were are currently up to $500 for travel information.

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