AMS Microscopy Training Fellowships
The AMS Microscopy Training Fellowship funds are designated for support of graduate students, postdocs and faculty members for training in new microscopical techniques. Two fellowships of $1000 each are available annually. The funds may be used for support of training in any microscopical technique, either through public courses / workshops or through private visits to other institutions. Any graduate student, postdoc or faculty full member of AMS* is eligible to apply, with the exception of past fellowship recipients. Applications from graduates students, postdocs and faculty members are assessed independently. Awards are made up to a maximum of $1000.
*For 2024, Student AMS memberships are $22 per year, and Full memberships are $44 per year, reflecting online subscription to Invertebrate Biology and access to our fellowship and grant competitions.
Competition - due March 1 each year, extended to April 15 in 2024.
APPLICATION: Applications should be emailed to Shanna Hanes.
Guidelines for AMS Fellowship Proposals
Through the web site, you will be asked to upload a single application document that consists of:
An updated CV (2 pages maximum).
A description of the training opportunity (2 pages maximum), that includes
The nature of the training: e.g., public courses / workshops or private visits to other institutions.
A description of the anticipated professional significance of the training, e.g., what research it will serve.
A budget with justification. Funds can be used for fees, supplies, use of equipment, and travel to field sites (travel to meetings and publication costs are not supported) (1 page maximum). Please indicate if you have prior funding for this project.
The CV, description, and budget must be in one file in PDF format and less than 500 KB in size. Use only ARIAL or TIMES standard fonts, 1.5 spaced, 11 pt type minimum. Have a letter of support from your research advisor submitted via Shanna Hanes. One letter is required and only one is allowed.
Important: Please provide your recommender with the same email address used in this application, since we use this information to attach the letters to the appropriate award application.
Direct questions to Dr. Shanna Hanes, AMS Fellowship Committee
2024 Recipients Training Awards
Joanna VanDyke, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Ella Nickllin, University of Florida
2023 Recipients Training Award
Emily O’Hara, Tropical Australian Stinger Research Unit, Australian Institute for Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Australia
Bridget Vincent, University of California Santa Barbara
2019 Recipients
Meghan Yap-Chiongo
2018 Recipients
Allan Carrillo-Baltodano
Project Title: A microscopical view of annelid biology.