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Become an AMS Memeber
To become a member of the American Microscopical Society you will need to 1) set up a username and password for our website, 2) provide us with some information about yourself, including if you are interested in serving as a reviewer for manuscripts submitted to our journal invertebrate biology, and 3) purchase a membership plan using a credit/debit card or PayPal. Below are the details of our membership plans and a link to our signup page!
Membership Plans
Rights and Benefits of All Membership Plans Include:
Apply for Members-only Microscopy Training Grants
Access to the Members-only job board
Access to theMembers-only Research-related Discussion Forum
Vote in Society elections for Officers and Members-at-large
Vote on Society governance motions and resolutions
Serve on Society ad hoc committees
Access to Society Business and Executive Meeting Minutes
Receive the Society's Annual Newsletter
Additional Rights and Benefits of Individual Membership Plans are listed below:

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