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Invertebrate Biology

Aims & Scope
Invertebrate Biology invites papers describing original, significant research focused on understanding any aspect of the biology of invertebrate animals (metazoans), including morphology and ultrastructure; genetics, phylogenetics, and evolution; physiology and ecology; neurobiology and behavior; biomechanics; reproduction and development; and cell and molecular biology. Although the journal has a significant history of publishing articles on protozoans and other organisms (as Transactions of the American Microscopical Society), since 1995 the title and the taxonomic focus of the journal has shifted to invertebrate metazoan animals.
Individual Subscriptions - can be purchased by becoming an AMS member
Institutional Subscriptions - Effective January 2025 Invertebrate Biology will be available to institutions exclusively via BioOne Complete. Please contact our partners at BioOne for more information about continuing your access to Invertebrate Biology. Email
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